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Red sky in the morning…

Red Sky

This morning I decided to go for a ride local to home before starting work. A dawn ride, let’s call it. It’s quite nice when you reach the point where you can confidently reach forward and turn off your front light.

Up I got at 6:30, dressed into my cold weather riding clobber, grabbed a bottle of water and set off on my bike before the clock struck 7. I took my Mongoose hardtail mountain bike with the urban wheelset fitted and headed off to ride some country lanes; still deciding on a road bike purchase. I live in Yaxley, just south of Peterborough and at this time in the morning people are heading out on their commutes, so the traffic through the village and towards the A1 was quite busy. This quietened down very nicely though once I crossed over the A1 at Stilton and cycled out into the countryside.

Up out of Stilton and on towards Lutton the sun started it’s gradual rise over the top of the horizon filling the sky with a glorious orangey, pinky red, which reflected in the puddles on the sides of the lane. Time to stop and take a photo. There are benefits to flat out riding, timing yourself and beating your best segments, but there are also times to ride just back off the pace and enjoy that which surrounds you; this was one of those latter occasions.

Red Sky
Red Sky

A couple more hills, a few more kilometres and the sun had finally made it’s way up into the sky and I was able to turn off my front light. Then I returned back home by around 8:30, passing a couple of riders who appeared to be heading out for their morning ride having missed one of the best views of the day. A quick shower later and I’m in the study starting work; a work from home day today!

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